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Golden Retriever 101: Basic Guide to the Breed’s Characteristics

General Appearance and Description

A Golden Retriever is a dog breed mainly developed for hunting to retrieve shot fowl and game. This is also why they have soft mouths to ensure they do not damage the fowl when they take it back to the hunter.

This breed has a dense inner coat whose purpose is to provide it with warmth during winter. Its outer coat is water repellent and lays flat on the body.

As the name implies, the most dominant color of the breed is gold. This breed is known for its intelligence and is currently used for several purposes such as a guide for the blind. It is also used as a hearing dog for the deaf and sniffer of narcotics.

A Golden Retriever is normally used in search and rescue operations. It is a medium-sized dog with a broad skull. The muzzle is straight with a brownish to black nose. The eyes are normally large and the ears are relatively short.

Basic Temperament

A famous Golden Retriever behavior is its sweetness. It is well mannered and charming. It is also easily trained and gentle with children, unlike other breeds that can pose danger to kids. This breed is energetic, warm, and wants nothing but to please its master.

It is known to be very obedient and highly competitive but has very little guarding instincts. Although they good watchdogs, they rarely attack.

A Golden Retriever will become destructive if it does not have enough exercise daily. It needs mental and physical stimulation or it will start destroying things.

It is a popular notion that Golden Retriever behavior changes if the owner does not show enough leadership. Lack of leadership will cause behavior issues.

Care Required

A common Golden Retriever information provided to potential owners is that it only needs grooming once a week. You need to make sure you brush the undercoat and check it regularly for mattes. Remember to keep its weight down and not overfeed it.

This breed easily gains weight and if you cannot control its weight. It is likely to develop health problems. Bathing is minimal and is only recommended if necessary since it has short hair. Keep the nails trimmed regularly to prevent foot problems.

Exercise Requirements

The only requirement for exercise for this breed is a daily walk. Jogging and running are also basic physical needs of the dog.

It also likes to play fetch so it is a best companion in the beach to play Frisbees and retrieving balls. Without adequate exercise, the dog will become hyperactive and will start destroying things such as your slippers.


It is best to train this breed as early as two months. This breed is very obedient and is very easy to train. Basic housebreaking techniques will do.

Height and Weight

Males of this breed can reach up to 24 inches or two feet in height and up to 80 pounds in weight. Females can grow up to 22 inches and 70 pounds.

Health and Longevity

This sweet, gentle dog is prone to cancer, heart problems, congenital eye defects, hip dysplasia, and skin allergies. It needs constant veterinary attention and can also gain weight easily. It can live up to 12 years if taken care of properly.


Before getting a puppy, get Golden Retriever information from a reputable breeder. Since this breed sheds a lot, it may not be suitable for you if you do not have the time to clean hair all over your house.

This breed also needs a lot of activities and exercise and if you cannot keep up, do not get one. It is a safe pet to be around kids.

For more information and everything you need to know about the Golden Retriever, check out the highly recommended Golden Retriever eBook and audio package today!