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Golden Retriever Training Made Easy: Train Your Dog in Ten Minutes

Time and time again you will get unruly Golden Retrievers. This is where training comes into the picture and where your patience and passion will be tested. Golden Retriever training is pretty simple as long as you follow our step by step Golden Retriever training tips.

Essentially, there are two basic building blocks in our program that will develop your goldie; the basic commands and the housebreaking elements.

The Basic Commands

First of all, you need to teach your Golden Retriever basic commands such as sit, stay, lie, and heel. To stay is to let the dog stay in its position even if you go away. To heel is to let it stay on your left side while you are standing, sitting, or walking.

To do this, you need to take your dog in a place where there is no one who can disturb the two of you. You will also need treats to feed your dog. First, stand in front of your Golden Retriever and hold a treat near its nose.

However, do not let it reach the treat. Slowly move the treat away from its head and towards its tail while saying your dog’s name and say, “sit”.

Do not hold the treat too high because the dog will jump. Once your goldie sits down, say “good” and give it the treat. If the dog won’t sit, gently push the bottom of its spine down.

This area is where the tail meets the body. Push it gently while saying the word sit. Do not force the dog to do it. Once it is in a sitting position, praise it and give the treat. Do the same Golden Retriever training technique for “lie“.

To teach it how to heel, go outside the house with the dog on a leash. The dog should be on your left side. Imagine the dog confined on a little box beside you. Whenever he gets out of this imaginary box, you need to correct the behavior by saying its name and saying “heel”.

If the dog stays, praise it and reward its behavior. If it starts moving, you can either move to a position that puts it back to your left side or gently jerk the leash while saying “heel”.

Use the same method when training a Golden Retriever to “stay”. The training sessions should not be longer than 10 minutes a day. Spending so much time training will stress your dog.

Housebreaking the Dog

When training a Golden Retriever, there are two basic things we want you to understand. These are key components of housebreaking your goldie that will prove to be very valuable in the long run.

These top two elements of our Golden Retriever training tips for housebreaking are confinement and socialization.

Confinement – one of your Golden Retriever training objectives if the dog has a problematic behavior is confinement. It is important to keep the dog confined at all times except when you are grooming it or if you can watch it.

This means that the dog cannot roam around freely around the house until it has shown some degree of discipline.

Socialization – the dog needs to be socialized at an early age. Some dogs have a very light attitude towards everybody. Some dogs will be very nasty and mean to strangers.

It is important to determine this behavior or preference and correct it immediately. Otherwise, your dog will have selective behavior towards people in regards to sex, age, and frequency of seeing the people.

Aside from socialization with humans, you need to socialize your dog with other dogs. You can do this by walking your dog over to your neighborhood.

Golden Retriever training activities are fun. Once the training objectives are completed, you will see how beneficial it is for your family, especially when you have guests.

For more information about the Golden Retriever training, check out the highly recommended Golden Retriever eBook and audio package today!